Hiatus Return/Redesign

Seeing that November 2019 was my last post is both sad and mind-blowing because it feels like these past 2 years haven’t happened. It doesn’t feel like it’s been 2 years and it doesn’t feel like we are 2 years into a panoramic. I still feel March 2020 like it was yesterday. Schools letting out for 2 weeks, with a promise to come back, and grocery shopping at Walmart that weekend with my husband at 2 am, only to find the shelves insanely bare.

In November 2019, I was wrapping up the year and trying to decide on whether or not to move my platform to a different website, then being hit for a few months of hating any and everything I tried–no platform was right for me. Ultimately, I went old-school and went back to writing my book reviews in a notebook instead of online. I am debating on posting those, but if I do, I will post photos of the reviews from my notebook pages, since I think it’s a little more “personal.”

Along with coming back, I am redesigning the look of the site, I feel it’s a little outdated, but I have some learning to do because so many things have changed in 2 years regarding web design here, so please bear with me and if something looks wonky, please don’t hesitate to tell me!

Overall, I’m looking forward to coming back, and will be integrating media reviews (such as movies and tv shows) because I am finding myself watching them just as much as I am reading, but don’t worry! They won’t be without a book list or books similar to such movie/show if I can help it! Just recently, I binged all 3 seasons of Dynasty, which I loved, but was wanting way much more until season 4 premiered (Dec. 2021), and lists/recs with books similar to these always help me in a slump where I’m watching more than I’m reading, but if i just had something to read that was close to what I was watching, it can make easing out of the slump that much easier.

I know, this post is a lot longer than we’re used to, but I really wanted to address the 2 year absence and where we’re going from here, because I am striving to crush – no, obliterate – my 52-book goal this year, and I’m constantly making lists, getting and giving recommendations, and what better time is there to do it other than a new year.

Happy reading!

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