Tag Archives: Young Adult

Rules for Vanishing by Kate Alice Marshall

RFV.jpgRules for Vanishing was a thrilling ride. I love documentary-styled novels, similar to Sleeping Giants, because it really makes the entire book come to life in a different way than just getting lost in a really good, traditional novel.

This book reminded me both of The Blair Witch Project and Broken Girls (young girl goes missing: girls, foul play, and ghosts are suspect), both in the way they tell their stories and the sinister feelings it has lying underneath.

This book brings me back to my adolescent age, where everything was an adventure, even the spooky things. As an adult who still loves reading semi-young adult novels and stories, this one read well enough for it to be smack dab in between adult and ya. Don’t pass this one up. It’s great for a read anytime, but if you’re feeling particularly spooky, read this when you’re all alone for a good weekend.